Brain fitness carnival

The brain fitness freaks at cognitive enhancement blog Sharp Brains have launched a Brain Fitness carnival so they can create a regular digest of self-submitted online articles.

The first edition is due out on Friday January 17th so get your submissions sent in if you want to be included.

Sharp Brains is also a company that wants to develop commercial mental exercise programmes based on sound science to help improve and maintain cognitive function.

They even envisage ‘Brain Gyms’ so you could drop in after work and pump some mental iron:

We at SharpBrains believe that Brain Fitness will grow one day to become as widespread as physical fitness, and that Brain Fitness Centers or “brain gyms” will complement today’s gyms.

Ha! Make a (NSFW) sexy pop video out of that one Eric Prydz!

Link to details of the upcoming Brain Fitness carnival.
Link to carnival homepage.

One thought on “Brain fitness carnival”

  1. Vaughan,
    Thanks for your first submission. The video is pretty impressive, and builds beautifully on your previous posts on the cognitive neuroscience of music and art for all senses. We will happily include the 3 oth them, to set up the right tone for the “regular digest of self-submitted online articles” so that we can retire soon and just play golf.
    Now seriously, thanks for the note, and here is the actual link to the carnival:
    (and minor correction: we also care for stress management, right Sandy?)

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