Personality types, as you’ve never seen them before

Someone’s created some satirical descriptions of the personality types classified by the Myers-Briggs personality test, that include categories such as ‘The Egghead’, ‘The Conman’ and ‘The Evil Overlord’.

The Myers-Briggs isn’t used so much by research psychologists, largely because it isn’t as reliable as some of the newer ‘Big Five‘ personality measures which dominate the field.

It is not unusual for people to fill one in themselves though (there are many versions online) and get a rating of whether they are Extroverted or Introverted, Sensing or iNtuitive, Feeling or Thinking, Judging or Perceiving.

Each of these gets compressed into a short letter string, and each is supposed to represent some particular personality type.

This new satirical interpretation of the personality types makes a sly commentary on some of the more outlandish descriptions you can read online.

ESFP: The National Enquirer Headline

An ESFP is a spontaneous, outgoing, charismatic, fun-loving person like the guy you used to room with in college–you know, the one who was found floating face-down in the reservoir with the homecoming queen’s underwear in his teeth.

The strongest element of the psychological makeup of an ESFP is his easygoing, impulsive approach to life. ESFPs often build their careers out of dating supermodels, being involved in scandals, and appearing regularly in such newspapers as “The National Enquirer” and “The Weekly World News.” ESFPs often die in bizarre circumstances, usually involving jealous boyfriends, exotic dancers, escaped pythons, feather boas, and falls from the penthouse floor of high-rise apartments; those who don’t, usually die of veneral diseases.

Link to satirical Myers-Briggs interpretation (via MeFi).
Link to good Wikipedia page on the Myers-Briggs.

One thought on “Personality types, as you’ve never seen them before”

  1. This is pretty funny stuff. And, there may be a little more truth to be found in these descriptions than can be found in the typical canned Meyers-Briggs profile summary.

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